The Roadkill Diaries – Kaylee Heneisen

[a screenshot of the homepage of Kaylee Heneisen’s website- which displays the title, “The Roadkill Diaries,” and the menu along the top in slightly curlicued serif fonts. The rest of the page that is visible shows several colorful graphic elements, with a portrait of the month’s “featured musician” on the right and an image with “About Us” written across it on the left hand side. When you hover over the image, it reveals text underneath describing the purpose of the site: “The Roadkill Diaries is a multi-media digital magazine. This magazine focuses on music, alternative music to be exact. We create content on a variety of platforms including YouTube, Instagram, and this website.”]

To view the site, click here.

To view Kaylee Heneisen’s presentation on their project for the Symposium, click here.

Kaylee Heneisen created this website for the ENC2135 Research, Genre, and Context course.