The Weeknd’s Battle Against Hip Hop Hedonism – Madeline Ide

[The first page of Madeline Ide’s article on The Weeknd features the title in large sans serif white letters reading “The Weeknd’s Battle Against Hip Hop Hedonism” with the byline “By Madeline Ide” underneath. On the top left corner some lyrics from the song “Starboy” are excerpted. The whole first page background is an image of The Weeknd in the style of the cover art of his album Starboy: he appears sitting with elbows braced against knees, looking directly at the camera under strong dark blue lighting, against a backdrop of solid red.]

To view this article, click here: theweeknd.pdf

Madeline Ide created this feature article and layout design for the ENC3416 Writing and Editing in Print and Online course.